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Knowledge is power, and Mosquito Shield arms each franchisee with the information they need to pursue the right customers, at the right time, with the right message.


First and foremost we are a mosquito control company and have been doing this longer than anyone in the industry. We often say that the most important thing about our history is that we have one. We have invested over 20 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars, in a thorough scientific analysis of our customer data, to develop detailed profiles of the homeowners who buy our service, year-over-year. This 20 years of data, coupled with the technology now available, allows us to target exactly who we are looking for. Marketing plans are created with both digital and traditional elements that help remove the guesswork for our franchisees.

Smart Targeting

At Mosquito Shield, our corporate marketing team relentlessly zeroes in on the smartest, most effective marketing and advertising efforts. Custom strategic plans are built to be cost-effective but also localized to the needs of the franchisees local community. We also closely monitor the transaction data throughout the buying season and review analytics to identify trends related to timing, seasonal weather conditions, mosquito populations, and other factors. There is an on-going collaboration and in-season weekly analysis to optimize the efficacy of all marketing efforts. We also understand that our franchisees are the ones living in the communities we are marketing to and we value that local knowledge. While we leverage 20 years of best practices, at no time do we believe in a one-size fits all approach to marketing.

Transparent access

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Each franchisee will receive access to our digital marketing portal, which contains corporate-approved templates for marketing and advertising, access to our brand standards, colors, fonts, logos and much more.  

From customer marketing strategies to our business management platform and mobile technology systems, our focus is on giving each Mosquito Shield franchisee the tools they need to grow their new business.